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Amd e Far Cry 3
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Moderatori: X-SLAY-Rex, X-SLAY-Di@bolik
Autore Messaggio
mer 28 nov 2012, 03:21

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Utenti Registrati #4
Registrato il: mar 03 gen 2006, 09:18
messaggi: 1308
Ringraziato 59 voltes in 55 posts
Sembra che AMD (ATI) stia lavorando con Ubisoft per lo sviluppo de driver
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mer 28 nov 2012, 03:28

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Utenti Registrati #101
Registrato il: mar 25 ago 2009, 12:32
messaggi: 2104
Ringraziato 54 voltes in 50 posts

si sbrigassero alla ubi io sono pronto

ke dite glie la do a centurion la sua copia? ihihihihi

[ Modificato mer 28 nov 2012, 03:29 ]
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mer 28 nov 2012, 03:31

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On Probation
Utenti Registrati #248
Registrato il: ven 11 mag 2012, 06:47
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mer 28 nov 2012, 03:32

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On Probation
Utenti Registrati #259
Registrato il: mer 14 nov 2012, 01:52
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X-SLAY-canemorto ha scritto ...


si sbrigassero alla ubi io sono pronto

ke dite glie la do a centurion la sua copia? ihihihihi

Facci sapere del multiplayer al più presto!!
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mer 28 nov 2012, 03:54

Medals: 0
Ribbons: 16

Utenti Registrati #11
Registrato il: dom 29 mar 2009, 01:58
messaggi: 417
Ringraziato 19 voltes in 17 posts
Cane non bestemmio dall'invidia solo perché dietro c'è la foto di Gesù Cristo!!!
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mer 28 nov 2012, 04:04

Medals: 0
Ribbons: 17

Utenti Registrati #101
Registrato il: mar 25 ago 2009, 12:32
messaggi: 2104
Ringraziato 54 voltes in 50 posts
X-SLAY-canemorto ha scritto ...


si sbrigassero alla ubi io sono pronto

ke dite glie la do a centurion la sua copia? ihihihihi

Ecco la patch del D1!


Release note – PC patch 1.01

Multiplayer fixes for the patch:

- Improved overall Multiplayer stability and performance.
- Added SHOW TOP, SHOW YOU, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN options in Leaderboards.
- Fix the voice chat issue that would mute players by default.
- Lobby chat can now be accessed when a controller is connected

- Fixed graphical issues on loading screen hints.
- Fixed the issue that would prevent maps from being displayed or randomized the first time a user enters Public Co-op.
- Health regeneration option no longer has inverted functionality.
- "Flare gun" kills are no longer considered as Assist kills.

- Fixed ground texture resolution.
- Grass surrounding fire spawns no longer remain red on Firestorm maps.

Map Editor:
- Improved white objects thumbnails legibility.
- Users can now start a private match in 1 player on user created maps.

Single Player fixes for the patch:

- Improved game stability and performance.
- Fixed issues with flickering on specific water textures.
- Fixed small UI glitches related to different display resolutions.
- “Weapon cache” mission: Mission Zone and Mission Marker no longer stays on mini-map and on screen after mission completion.
- Crafting items are now auto selected when entering a new crafting category
- Added sound when zooming in and out the camera with
the mouse scroll button.
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